Capture Amazon screenshots

👉  This is a new feature and is currently in beta; some limitations may apply.

Amazon is known for using sophisticated firewalls and blocking robotic access to its sites. To get around this limitation, these webpages are handled differently. We use premium proxies to obtain the results in this new custom flow. 


  • All expert mode options will be ignored, except for choosing between desktop or mobile width.
  • You are required to keep a minimum interval of 1 minute between each capture for
  • Applicable to desktop size 1024px and higher. Mobile/tablet size captures will fall back to the regular screenshot engine.
⚠️ Note that this only applies to,, and; other amazon webpages can be customized by the expert mode options.

We are constantly improving these results. If you have any issues with the results or any questions related to Amazon screenshots, please don't hesitate to contact us at

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